Quote – C. S. Lewis

19 Sep

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
C. S. Lewis

I have told many people that if it weren’t for the Word of God, I’d be confused about what’s going on around me.

Seriously, if one pays attention to anything that’s going on around them, it’s mystifying. 

However, when one learns about the spiritual fall of man, he begins to understand himself and those around him.  Also in this day we live in, we get to see God’s prophecies unfolding.

What an exciting time if you’re looking for Jesus.  What a squandered time if you’re not.  Start looking, loving, and longing for His appearing.  There is a crown for those who do.  Do you think if you’re living your life as if he’s coming today, that you will disappoint Him?  Obviously not or you wouldn’t be getting a crown for it.


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