Quote – Charles Stanley

12 Sep

An unschooled man who knows how to meditate upon the Lord has learned far more than the man with the highest education who does not know how to meditate.
Charles Stanley

Why is that?

Because man is not more intelligent than God.  However, this world is full of men who think they are.

Question:  How smart is man to observe everything around him and still declare there is not a Creator?

This is not an intellectual thing, it’s a spiritual thing.  The same people who have high intellectual ability are not missing the obvious based on intellect.  Satan will play on anyone’s weakness.  If intellectual pride exists, he will play on that.

We’re God’s creation.  If you had two children and one was humble, loving, obedient, giving, and the other selfish, arrogant, and too smart for you, who are you going to be pleased with?

God has given us many of these scenarios in the structures of our own lives.  Some humans are just too smart to observe them.


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