What Is God Like?

24 Sep

Have you ever paid attention Christians who never read the Bible or listen to God’s Word from others?

You’re not going to believe this, but God thinks exactly the way they do!

That’s really strange, because the more I read God’s Word; the more I realize He doesn’t think like I did at all.  The only reason I think even somewhat like Him today is because of what I have learned in His Word and applied it to my life.

God explains to us who He is in His Love Letter to us.  It’s called the Bible.  He’s the Creator and we’re the Creation.  To watch man, one would get confused on that issue.   

Isaiah 55:8 –  8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.

So if are ways are not His ways, then how can we possibly know God?  Through His Word!

If you never get to know somebody, how will you know what they like?  You won’t. 

Most people don’t know who God is because they don’t take the time to try and get to know Him.  They’re not hurting in the “Me time” though.

Do you want to show the Lord you love Him and help yourself at the same time?  Read His Word.  Read the love letter He gave us.  Don’t stand in front of the Creator and try to explain you didn’t have time to read His book.

Pick up a One Year Bible.  I find the NIV allowed me to read it as a story and understand it as I was going along.  You make it a goal to get through it.  I can tell you one day a day and you’ll quit before you’ll finish it from front to back. 

Don’t stand in front of God without reading His Word from front to back at least once.


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