Psalm 84:10 – 10 Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
The world doesn’t have more offer to offer than our loving Lord. Yet the majority of humans still choose to pump all their work and efforts into the short term.
The whole New Testament is about dying to our earthly selfish life and serving a forgiving, loving King. It’s about being an example, a witness, and working for the Kingdom of our Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:22-23 – 22 For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave. 23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings.
Our Lord has everything to offer. He even says that we can’t even fathom the things that He has for those who love Him.
1 Corinthians 2:9 – 9 However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”
the things God has prepared for those who love him—
What do the wicked have to offer? A temporary reward for wrongdoing?
If someone threatened to kill you if you didn’t believe their way instead of God’s way, what does that person have to offer you? A few extra years under their murderous system? A chance for you to turn your back on the Truth?
You see they have nothing to offer. The world has nothing to offer.
Better one day in your house, better one day in your courts, than thousands elsewhere. Jesus has eternal life and eternity in Heaven to offer, the others only have a worldly lie that is extremely temporary.