Proverbs 19:3

20 Sep

Proverbs 19:3 – 3 A person’s own folly leads to their ruin,
yet their heart rages against the Lord.

It’s hard to believe that some people want nothing to do with God and when something goes wrong they want to blame Him for the issues that are troubling them.

There are those who believe God gave them life and a brain, so they should be able to act and do whatever they see as fit.  They think ultimately He doesn’t care, He’s too busy.  Yet when something goes tragically wrong and they realize they can’t do it on their own, they want help.  If the help comes, they are back to not needing God again.  If the problem doesn’t get cleared up, they blame God.

Why is this?  Well it starts with SELF-ish behavior.  I…don’t need you right now, I….got it.  Whoops, things are bad….help ME.  Whew, things are better now…I… don’t need you again.  Oh no…things have gotten bad….God don’t You care about ME.

The person that lives for themselves and only cares about God when things are bad doesn’t care about God.  They care about….themselves.

What do we have a tendency to do when things go bad?   We blame others.  So why not just go straight to the top?  Right?  Blame God.

Not seeking God leads to this folly.

God is not too busy.  God didn’t make you to be your own little god.  He created us for fellowship, for us to worship Him, and with our own free will follow and love Him.

So who wants us to be our own little decision making gods?  Who wants us to get mad at God when we finally dig ourselves in a whole so large we can’t get out on our own?  He is a pretty evil persuasive salesman.  He sold Eve on the idea becoming like God and Adam followed.  He convinced a third of the angels to rebel.  He’s an enemy of the Great, Incredible, Powerful and Loving God who created all. Yes, Satan himself.

The bible says the road is wide to destruction and narrow to eternal life.  Not because the test is hard, but because man’s heart is hard.  He says WE choose it.

Don’t be an enemy of God.  There is no middle ground.  You either choose Him (see how to be saved page in the right side of my home page) or choose anything else but Him.

For those who have a whole lifetime to choose Him and don’t, would they be happy in Heaven?  The answer simply is no, they would not.  Because Heaven is not a wonderful place that the SELFISH go to be happy and live strictly for their own selfish cares and desires.  It’s centered around our loving Lord Who created the whole universe and everything in it.  Will it be great for those who do love Him?  Yes!  He longs to take care of those who have chosen to love Him and love them back.  We can’t even fathom how wonderful.

Seek Him, study His Word, and do everything possible out of your love for Him.  We’re in the home stretch and time is running out.  Even if He tarries, one more day passes that we can show Him our love.  The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.  Why, because they choose to not participate.


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