Who Made The Customs In The Old Testament?

23 Jul

The Jews? 

No, it was God who made the rules.  God made the law.  God had His people conduct ceremonies, feasts, rituals, sacrifices, routines, etc.

The church today acts like if it comes from the Old Testament then that’s out.  That was back when the Jews did things.

Wait a minute, the Jews didn’t make a bunch of laws and rules and then attach God to them.  So when the church wants to ignore Israel and the Jews, what are they doing?  They just threw out all of God’s thinking in the Old Testament.


Here is what the Bible says about God and Jesus.

Numbers 23:19 – 19 God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.  Does he speak and then not act?  Does he promise and not fulfill?

Psalm 145:13 – 13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.  The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.

Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

So we know the Lord doesn’t lie, change His mind, speak and not act and He keeps His promises.

So why don’t we live exactly as the Jews?  We have had fulfillments for one.  We also can read that hypocritical man can put burdens on others that they can’t fulfill themselves.  The Lord made rules for the betterment not be burdensome or unrealistic.  The foods the Lord didn’t want eaten saved many lives at the time.  Later on Jesus explained that the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27).  You could heal or save your animals or livestock, it wasn’t crime (Matthew 12:11-12). 

The Lord has fulfilled the Spring Feasts.  He came the first time and fulfilled certain items. 

The law is still there for our benefit.  He still wants us to obey it.  He just died for our salvation that we may be saved when it’s broken.

Which one of the commandments does our Lord want us to break?  Even in the case of the Sabbath, I believe he still wants us to stop, rest, pray, and reflect on Him as often as we can.  The Sabbath made people do that.  Without it, it’s amazing how proclaimed Christians give no time to the Lord.

I’m not saying the church is to become Jewish, that’s what the replacement church is trying to do to an extent.  Except they want to take all the blessings for themselves and let the curses stay with the Jewish people.  No, the church is the church and Israel is Israel.  Each have their own promises.

We need to pay attention and understand all the things that the Lord has to say and understand them.  Not pass them off as Old Testament and sweep them under the rug.  Because the commands on how to live didn’t come from man, but God.


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