If you’re Satan- How Do You Confuse Them?

16 May

If you’re Satan and you are at war with God and want to be like the most high, how do you get man to turn his back on God?

Man is already a fallen rebellious creature, because he listened to the serpent (Satan) in the Garden of Eden.

If you’re Satan and you tell him not to worship God, he’s probably defiant enough that he will.  If you tell man to worship you, he’s defiant enough he won’t.

So what do you do?

For a start, how about give him lots of choices?

Worship the sun, moon, stars, idols, yourself, false religions, anything…….but the one true God.

Imagine taking a white ping pong ball and throwing it into bathtub full of yellow ping pong balls.  Now stir up the balls.

Now a lot of people are going to look at the tub and say “Wow, that’s a lot of ping pong balls.  Do I really want to take the time to look for the white ping pong ball?  When I find the white one, is it really any different than this yellow one I like over here?  Who’s to say the white one is the right one anyway?  By the way, what am I doing at this tub in the first place?  It’s down-right confusing and who’s to say I need a ping pong ball?  I’m a grown up, I don’t need no stinking ping pong ball.  Ping pong balls are for the weak which need to play with their toys and I don’t need that.”

Does this analogy ring a bell?  I think it does.  It was a lot of fun to write too.     

You see Satan isn’t stupid, he’s evil!  He’s gotten to know man pretty good after six thousand years.

Now if someone wanted to, they could bend down with the light on and look through the balls and spot the white one really easy.   

So how did such an easy thing such as man falling, Jesus dies to pay the debt, you accept him as Lord, and your back with God again, get so complicated?

Satan’s been working hard that’s why.  Look at that paragraph on the ping pong balls again.  It does make your head swim.  Some people out there aren’t looking for the white ball (Jesus), but many are and it is confusing.

Can you help them?  Do you yourself know why you believe what you do?  Can you help others that are confused?  Because they need questions answered!  We need to study the word and build a foundation so we can.

The next question is, will you?

John 21:17 – 17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
      Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”

    Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. 

If you don’t know Jesus and would like to make Him your Savior, please click on “How To Accept Jesus As Savior” in the right upper column.


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