War And Rumors Of Them

05 Apr

Matthew 24:6-7 – 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

I was just inspired to write a quick note on the above scriptures.  With North Korea threatening, it brings the focus a little closer from our perspective in America.  We have Iran over threatening to annihilate Israel if they get the ability and North Korea threatening to use possible nuclear warheads.

These are your nation against nation.  Let’s not forget though that the scripture is not being redundant.  Kingdom against kingdom is different.  It’s fighting from within, such as Syria.

Wars and rumor’s of wars.  These things are on the main news stations and the world is paying close attention.  If nothing breaks out, it’s still a major rumor of war.

The birth pangs are happening closer together and things for the second coming are all shaping more distinct and faster every day.  The world is going broke more every day.  Every month our government is pumping money into the banks which is making its way into the market, but where does it come from?  Our dollar is losing value more every day.  For those in the new world order this is equalizing things without a devastating bankruptcy that leads to anarchy.

We are closer than ever to our Lords return.  Don’t get wrapped up into this world.  He warns us to keep an eye out for Him.


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