That’s what the Lord is supposed to be in our lives.
He is supposed to be our focus. He is supposed to be our main love.
We have an election coming up tomorrow.
Do you know what the percentage of social issues and values is at? It’s 15%. All other categories have nothing to do with morals or values. The rest have to do with money, benefits relied upon from the government, and foreign policy, etc. Which one do you think is most important to the Lord?
Do you know what the percentage of Americans believe it should be illegal under all circumstances to have an abortion? It’s 20%. That’s actually up over the last 5 to 10 years. I really believe the technology that allows people to see how quickly they form has changed the hearts of a few. How do you think the Lord feels about the subject?
How many Americans care first and foremost about the Lord instead of serving their own interests and needs? It’s all about the heart. I don’t know the exact number, but these two polls with a few others will get you pretty close.
Make the Lord first.
Matthew 6:33- 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.