Series Of Earthquakes In Southern CA

27 Aug

We we’re down in Anaheim and had gone to bed when the Yorba Linda 4.5 quake hit at about 11:23 PM on August 8th.  My wife hadn’t been through one before and it wasn’t very big, but it was only 5 miles away from the epicenter.  She said, “What should we do?”  I rolled over and told her to go back to bed.  I let her know that earthquakes come and go, they’re not warnings of something to soon hit that’s bigger.

Ironically I’m looking online and twice this last month another earthquake almost the same size did hit nearby.  They were bigger than an aftershock.  Yesterday Brawley, CA had a 5.3 followed up by a 5.5 only less than an hour a half later.  August 11th, there were two quakes in Ahar, Iran 11 minutes apart that we’re 6.4 and 6.2.  However, we only had a couple of aftershocks the next day we couldn’t even feel, so I didn’t have to eat my words that night.

There was also a large quake in El Salvador of 7.4 yesterday or even today by the UTC clock used to tell the time.

Almost everyone who knows bible prophecy knows it that earthquakes are one of the significant signs of his coming.  They are like birth pangs.  They will happen closer together and more intense as the time of His coming approaches.

Matthew 24:7 –7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.


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