Who Says You Can’t Legislate Morality?

12 Jan

Every law in the books is someone’s idea of a rule that was voted on or enacted and is being pushed on the public.

Who says you can’t legislate morality.  You can’t kill someone, it’s against the law.  That’s legislating moral law.  You can’t drive 100 MPH because you can kill someone or injure them.  That’s legislating morality.

So why do we hear you can’t legislate morality so often?

The truth is as Christians, Non-Christians, or even Christians that don’t like rules don’t what morality pushed on them.  They don’t want Christian or Bible principals to legislate them the truth be known.

No drugs.  That’s moral issue.  Don’t steal from people.  That’s moral issue.  Don’t sexually abuse others.  That’s a moral issue.

There are laws in the books to protect others out there in the name of morality and moral living.

I go nuts anymore when I hear someone say it.  It’s just not true.

You can legislate immorality also.  We are seeing more and more of that every day in the courts.

Every law in the books is someone’s idea of how life should be lived.  God wants order and laws.  Likes them so much He created one Himself.  Just because Jesus fulfilled the law doesn’t mean the commandments don’t have the same meaning.  God hasn’t changed His mind on how man should live.  He still wants us to obey.

Numbers 23:19-19 God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

The minds of Americans have been attacked with sayings and words.  It has been a successful propaganda.  When they tell you, you can’t legislate morality, they mean they don’t want you to legislate morality.


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