Something Has Clearly Gone Wrong; Is It Worth Investigating?

29 Mar

Let’s say you walk into your home and go into the basement.  There is an inch of water covering the floor.  Do you think to yourself, wow that doesn’t seem quite normal or right then continue on in your day?

No.  You’re hopefully going to look around and find out where the problem is.

Let’s say you’re driving down the road and smoke starts coming out from under your hood and fills the inside of your car?  Are you going to continue to drive and hope that it goes away?

No.  You’re hopefully going to pull over and investigate where the problem is coming from.

Let’s say you’re eating something and you’re starting to have problems breathing.  You start itching also and breaking out into a rash.  Do you shrug it off and continue eating or do you not worry about it and hope that it goes away as you’re about ready to pass out?

Most people wouldn’t and the ones that would do so, only do it once.

Yet…….if one looks around in this world and pays attention…..something has clearly gone wrong!

Turn on the news.  Murder, greed, arrogance, infidelity, pain, death, selfishness, bullying, lying, disrespect, covetousness, drunkenness, starvation, child abuse, drug abuse, and loneliness.  The list goes on more than just this and as humans we are numb.  As long as it doesn’t happen to us, we can sweep it under the carpet.  Is that reality?

Just in the turn of the last century we had two world wars.  Warlords have literally taken over countries and when the food comes in have stolen it themselves and let millions starve even help arrived.  Normal?  No, not normal.  When 99% of the people know something is wrong or evil including many of those who do it, there is something drastically wrong.

So what is it?  It’s worth looking into isn’t it?  Most in today’s world, even as they witness the madness do not.

The most so called brilliant minds want you to believe that you came from pond scum and evolved from monkeys.  THAT’S A MORE BELIEVABLE DESCRIPTION OF HOW WE CAME INTO EXISTENCE OVER SOMEONE WHO CREATED US?  REALLY?

Psalm 14:1 – 1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”  They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.

It is insane the depths man will go to, not to have to obey or worship anyone he doesn’t want to.  Spiritual blindness?  Satan and his demons?  They may all play a part, but the real reason is man doesn’t want to serve the very God that created him.

Why don’t people take time out of their busy schedule to look for God?  Why don’t people who actually say they know God take the time to serve Him?  It’s all in the Bible.  We need to get into God’s Word for our lives.  It’s a living word!


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