A Pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself.
A W Tozer
Why is a spiritual man harder on himself, because the most important thing to him is his relationship with the Lord. He knows it’s the most important thing that exists. He doesn’t want to discourage someone from finding the truth, but knows the truth must be spoken. He prays for others, shares the Word, and wants others to find their Blessed King.
The Pharisee was a person that wanted to be recognized as the Godly figure he was trying to portray. He would rather build himself up rather than a brother who also believed in God. It was a position of prestige. There was no forgiveness for wrongdoing, unless you were someone special, then they bent the rules. It’s easy to understand, since that is the way man is.
One chases after the Heart of God. The other chases at the idea of acting Godly for others to see.