We Were Loved First – A Familiar Model

23 Nov

God has given us a model in many things in our lives.  When we are children, we love our mother or father, or both.  Why?

In most cases it’s because you were nurtured and loved by them first.  It’s naturally easy to love someone back who has unconditionally loved you first.

1 John 4:19 – 19We love him, because he first loved us. NKJV 

What happens if you are not loved by someone when you’re a baby and continuing on through the infant and toddler stage?  Testing has shown that it really messes up people.  They have a hard time loving and being loved.  

This can happen, because those who are not obedient tend not to care about loving anyone but themselves first.  Then the trait gets passed on and usually won’t get broken unless someone finds the love of the Lord. 

We were made to love and be loved by our God. 

Jesus and God have loved us from the beginning.  They are right there.  Right There!

So the question now becomes, well if they are right there how come bad things happen?  I have a question for the question.  If people are not going to seek God at all when things are going great, why would they ever seek to love God?  Those tough times appear to draw us closer. 

When children rebel at home, punishment should follow encouraging them to make the right choices.  Yes, there is a right and wrong in this world and the authority is God.  When we are not living right or for God, things need to become a little uncomfortable for you as a reminder that it’s time to seek the one who loves you and created you.

Hebrew 12:5-6 – 5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, 6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”

The model is all around us.  The Lord has made finding Him and understanding Him relatively easy, as long as the sinner repents and seeks to get back to his God and Creator.

He loves every one of us and has died so that those who choose His sacrifice will be saved.  Who will you make as your Father?


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