Quote – Charles Stanley

06 Nov

Of all the things Christ wants for us, loving Him and focusing our attention on Him are the most important.
Charles Stanley

I heard Chuck Missler remind me in one of the tapes I was listening to the other day that we are created to worship and have relationship with the Lord.  It’s why we were created.

Why was David considered a man after God’s Heart?  By his life?  No, David had a lot of issues in his life and they are recorded in the Bible.  It was his desire and love for the Lord.  David truly was passionate about God and had a real relationship with Him.

Does that mean it’s a license to fail everywhere else in our walk?  No.  It just means that it is the most important.

Think about the best relationship you have on earth and now try and surpass that in your relationship with the Lord.  It takes time, respect, love, trust, honor, and faith.


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